Infantile Colic and "Reflux" Unpacked
What's really going on for these infants and how can we best help?
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A crying and unsettled baby often drives parents on a desperate hunt for an explanation and treatment. Many of these infants are tagged with the diagnosis of “reflux” or “GORD”, among other labels including “infantile colic” and “lactose intolerance”. Unfortunately, these labels often lead to the use of potentially harmful treatments and prevent a more wholistic and practical assessment of the infant.
This webinar will help you to assess these infants within the context of normal infant physiology and behavior and review some of the common causes of distress in infants. A wholistic approach to supporting these infants and their families is provided, including tips for identifying feeding issues, food allergy, and other causes, as well as a review of red flags that indicate the need for medical referral and referral for help with breastfeeding.
Your Instructor
Dawn has worked in the area of functional and naturopathic medicine in
perinatal and early life health for over twenty years. She is a
clinician, researcher, educator and clinical mentor in this area. She is
trained as a Naturopath and a Lactation Consultant and brings these two
fields together. Click
here for a full bio.