{FREE} The Breastmilk Microbiome

Learn more about the extraordinary ecosystem within breastmilk

Breastmilk is an extraordinarily-alive human tissue - teaming with both human cells and bacterial cells. Yet researchers have only recently begun exploring this area. Breastmilk can be seen as the ultimate gardener – seeding the infant with up to 600 different bacterial species and then selectively feeding these with unique prebiotics, whilst weeding out potentially harmful bacteria with unique selective “weeders” within breastmilk. Learn more about this amazing system within breastmilk in this complementary 30-minute webinar for health-conscious individuals.

Your Instructor

Dawn Whitten
Dawn Whitten

Dawn has worked in the area of functional and naturopathic medicine in perinatal and early life health for over twenty years. She is a clinician, researcher, educator and clinical mentor in this area. She is trained as a Naturopath and a Lactation Consultant and brings these two fields together. Click here for a full bio.

Course Curriculum

  The Breastmilk Microbiome
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

What resources do I get?
You'll get access to the webinar.
Do I need prior training to get the most out of this course?
No. But understanding key probiotic principles and being aware of common myths in this area will help you get more out of the course. Some short videos focussing on common probiotic myths are available here: https://www.probioticadvisor.com/probiotic-myths/#.Wmsa7TeYM2w
Is it possible to consult with Dawn Whitten about my, or my baby's, health issues?
To enquire about a consultation with Dawn Whitten, contact the Goulds Natural Medicine Clinic via email ([email protected]). Skype appointments are available.

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