Mastitis, particularly poorly-managed mastitis, has a major impact on breastfeeding duration. Effective management and prevention of re-occurrence in clinical practice requires adequate understanding of the different causes of mastitis and knowledge of appropriate strategies and therapies.
Contrary to popular belief, mastitis is not synonymous with infection. In many cases there is no infection, hence the importance of appropriate clinical management that allows for a distinction between infective mastitis and other causes of inflammation of lactating breast tissue. Careful management can avoid the use of unnecessary antibiotic exposure.
In this lecture, naturopath and lactation consultant Dawn Whitten, covers the important role herbal medicines and nutritional treatments, including specific probiotics, can play in the treatment and prevention of mastitis. Dawn's presentation will help give you a clear understanding of the practical management strategies of mastitis, as well as good referral practice.
Lecture length ~60 mins. Audio-visual lecture counts towards annual CPE requirements.
Your Instructor
Dawn Whitten BNat (Hons), FNHAA, IBCLC, is passionate
about protecting and nurturing the microbiome of the next generation.
She is a researcher and educator and clinician with 15 + years
experience focused on women’s
health through pregnancy and beyond, and infant and toddler health. She
is also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.Click
here for a full bio.